And the winner is…

Thanks to all who participated in my Thanksgiving Contest. You sent in wonderful, thoughtful responses. I loved reading your praise of fiction.

Congrats to Savannah W. on her winning entry (keep an eye out for your Fallen box-set in the mail!) And a special shout-out toΒ  runners up: Adriana, Cara W., Carmen B., and Arrielle.

In Savannah’s own words: “Fiction makes me thankful because even in the most fantastical, most unrealistic stories, there is something very real about the characters that we grow to love. Characters in fiction books can show us the best and worst in humanity and help us to see those traits in ourselves. A great fiction book can give us a best friend when we feel we have none, find us love in an unloving world, and break our hearts as though it were happening to us. I am thankful for fiction for the days when it gives me hope for a better future, and the days of comfort when hope is nowhere to be found. I am thankful for fiction for keeping me up at night reading and for keeping me impatient as I wait for the next installment of a best-loved series. I am thankful to fiction for the days when I finish a book and simply cannot move from the spot where the story left me, because I am still too invested in this world that I love. I am thankful to fiction for the tears, the talks, the laughter, the smiles, and the fury. But most of all, I am thankful to fiction for taking me to a place outside of myself, but a place that is wholly within myself.”

Thanks again!

Below: Suzy from Moonrise Kingdom has great book style.

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  1. I loved her essay. It’s exactly what I want to feel when I read books. <3 Great job and congratulations!

  2. Ohhhh did I get second place? So close! πŸ™‚ The Fallen box set would look so beautiful on my bookcase! πŸ™ Well, I guess I will save up and buy it on my own, cause it’s a must-have piece!!! πŸ™‚
    Congrats to Savannah W., I really liked your response!!!
    Kisses to all fiction readers!!!!! πŸ˜€ <3

  3. Congrats, Savannah W. and all the runners up! I really liked your comments! πŸ˜€
    Great Job to everyone else πŸ™‚ because you guys also did a wonderful job! πŸ™‚
    Keep up the fiction reading! πŸ˜€

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