Coming soon to the UK

The Betrayal of Natalie Hargrove–out January 6, 2011!

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  1. not being mean but how could you of read it if it comes out in Jan. 2011? i cant wait to read this!!!!! i love fallen and torment so i sure ill love passion…also

  2. I could have sworn this book came out way before 6 Jan 2011 i mean i read on this same website it was out in 2009 so is it just the UK that only just got it 2011?

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  7. Román tiene 10 meses y desde que tiene 5 mira a Doky encantado. Se ríe aplaude y le grita cuando lo ve. Tal como dicen aquí disfruta más los comerciales que las series. Tanto le gusta que ya le encargué el muñequito en porcelana fría para su torta de cumpleaños.

  8. …Raquel M.: Okay that number worked fine. It states your pick up will occur today by 5:00 pmTK: It is currently 6:01.Raquel M.: I need to forward your information to the local package center for resolution…Idiocracy was not a fun movie. It was a stern warning of things to come.-Alec

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