The leaves may not be turning in Los Angeles, but it’s truly autumn in the UK where they’ve more than “Fallen.” How wonderful it was to hop across the pond and celebrate the release of Passion with so many dedicated readers. As always, I was blessed with countless memorable meetings, deeply touching conversations, and innumerable brilliant fan creations.
You never cease to amaze me. Thanks to each and every one of you who came out to support the book. Keep reading and keep reaching out!

Oi Lauren Kate me desculpa por escrever em meu idioma mais não sei inglês, quero te dizer que estou muito feliz por você ter visitado meu País e ao mesmo tempo estou triste por não ter tido a oportunidade de te conhecer pessoalmente mais espero que você possa nos visitar mais vezes e quem sabe assim eu tenha oportunidade de te ver pessoalmente e também te pedir um autografo, sou uma grande fã sua.
Um forte abraço.
hi! i’m katia..oh read your three books ( fallen, torment and passin) you’re so great! congratulation.. your lyrics are… very very emoctional… i love your daniel.. he’s my idol…ahm.. something if I wrong..i’m sorry, but i’m 14 years old and i’m italian…i just wanted to thank you for this faboulos adventure…I read many darkfantasy…they’re my world (!!). i love this kind of books…you know, when Luce touched the wings of Daniel, me also I felt under his fingertips was a unique experience, as each book gives you, after what i can say? continues to write that we will also follow end of the world if we could. maybe one day I will be a write and I will say you’re my teacher. i have to go.. bye! 😉
thank you ever so much for the talk and signing you gave at the Bath Literature Festival 😀 it was truly inspiring, as i would like to become a writer myself one day, and i would also like to thank you for tweeting me 🙂 im glad you liked the fan-book. <3
Hi Lauren,
I am so pleased that I got to meet you, one of my favourite authors.
I met you at WHS Smith Guildford in England and it is a memory I will cherish forever.
Thanks so much for the chat and for signing my books.
I still have the photo saved on my phone from the day 🙂
From Tash
in the UK