What a year 2013 has been! A new baby, a new book, and new friends around the world. It’s been momentous, challenging, and beautiful. Now that the holidays are over, and we’re all embarking on a new year, I wanted to share some of my favorite moments from the one we’ve just wrapped up.

This fall was all about Teardrop. I’m happy so many of you have been swept away by Eureka’s story, and can’t wait to hear from those of you who are reading it now. I am deep inside the second book, which comes out this fall. I promise it will thrill you.
I had a fantastic tour through Miami, New Orleans, Jackson, Dallas, Chicago, Philadelphia, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Antwerp, London, Devon, Norwich, Dublin, Milan, Bologna, and Rimini! I return from each tour exponentially inspired. Thank you to everyone who reached out to me in person, in a letter, or online to share your experience with the book.
As many of you know, my daughter was born in February. Welcoming Matilda into the world was the best way to begin this year. She is flourishing, becoming a beautiful, intelligent, and very funny girl. Recently she started speaking (ciao ciao! balloon! banana!). I can’t wait for her to tell me more.

2013 was a spectacular year for reading. I know you know what I mean. So many books enchanted me. Here are some of my favorites:
Eleanor and Park
Love in the Time of Global Warming
Where’d You Go, Burnadette
And here are a few of the tunes that I’ve been listening to on repeat:
Royals by Lorde
Young and Beautiful by Lana Del Ray
Broken by Jake Bugg
Sometimes a change of scene and style gives me new perspective on the book I’m writing. Below are links to a few things I’ve written this year that you won’t find between the covers of a Teardrop novel:
My Letters from Lauren newsletter (the place for book and movie news)
Huffington Post (on life-affirming darkness)
Nerdfighters (on being a nerd)
USA Today (on the power of love)
Parade Magazine (on memorable reads)
The Fallen movie is FINALLY happening! This summer I got to introduce you to three of the cast members. This month will bring more big news. I can feel your exhilaration online, and it exhilarates me!
Addison Timlin as Luce
Jeremy Irvine as Daniel
Harrison Gilbertson as Cam
So here we are. 2014. The horizon holds Matilda’s first birthday (I’m already obsessing over the cake I’m going to bake), the next installment of the Teardrop series (the most wrenching tale I’ve ever written), the Fallen filming (in Budapest! this spring!), and other surprises I can’t (and wouldn’t want to) anticipate.
To all of you who have joined me in making 2013 magical, I wish you a new year filled with love.
I’m so thrilled for the Fallen movie. I absolutely ADORED Teardrop. For Christmas, my parents got me a SIGNED COPY by none other than my favorite author, Lauren Kate. I just about died. Thanks so much for all that you do! You inspire me, and I’m sure a lot of others too.
We love you Lauren! And Matilda is just gorgeous! Congrats!
Please tell me that Cam is going to have green eyes!?!?!?! Like, a beautiful yet frightening green!?!? And Daniel is gonna have violet eyes? the eyes are very important to me!
Teadrop is incredibol! I love what you’re doing! your books are amazing! I can’t wait to read the new book! thanks for all! xx
I am almost done with Teardrop! It’s amazing so far. Matilda is BEAUTIFUL! Congrats! I love your books, all of them. Thank you, and I can’t wait for FALLEN, the movie. 😛
I loved reading Teardrop I just could not put the book down!. Thrilled to hear about the Fallen movie can’t wait to see it. Thanks for your inspitration. Love Chanté xxx (South-Africa)..
Thatsounds so awesome!! but when is the trailer coming out? 🙂
Pls. inform us when the trailer’s coming out!!! 😀
Havent read yet Teardrop but i sooo wanna read it. Senior Year is such a busy year that i dont have time.
I just about died when I heard their was going to be Fallen movie. Over the summer I read Fallen and fell in love with Luce and Daniel. This year for my 11th birthday I got a Kindle fire H.D X and Rapture was already on it. I was so shocked I cried. But on other notes when’s the trailer coming out?!?!?
Lauren, how you can make a soooooooo good book like Teardrop?! *0* I really find myself in Eureka! One of my favorit books. Happy New Year for you, and, Oh My God! I have to say…I REALLY NEED THE SECOND BOOK OF TEADROP! Please, fall, come fast!
Goodbye, kisses, and I Lovw You.
will they be sequl too the film wil start reading Fallen soon
I’ll read Teardrop, and I swear That I WILL CRY AS MUCH AS I CRIED FOR FALLEN
I read the Fallen series with my grandma and with as many books as we’ve read, these are by far our favorites 🙂 When Teardrop came out we were sure to pre-order it and read it as soon as we got it. Since we started reading together my grandma has been diagnosed with cancer, survived in remission, and is now fighting the cancer again. When I told her that her favorite book was going to be a movie she was soooo excited! I’m hoping and praying that she makes it long enough for us to go see the movie of Fallen, with the little that she can do anymore…our books and movies are like Disneyland and we can’t wait for what comes next 🙂 both in the movie and the second installment of Teardrop 🙂
I’ve fallen in love with the FALLEN series, and I aim to fall even more deeply in love with TEARDROP series! Can’t wait to see what you come up with in the second book. I’m taking all of my friends to see the premiere of the Fallen movie!
OMG!!! I OBSESS OVER YOUR BOOKS EVERY SINGLE MINUTE!! I am a huge FALLEN FAN, and when I heard that there were gonna be a movie few months ago, I ABSOLUTELY started crying happy tears. Fallen is my FAVORITE Book/Series and I cannot tell you how excited I was when I heard the news. Because of my dad’s work, we had to move from Canada to Shanghai, where I live now. I ALWAYS wanted to have one of my favorite authors to come to Shanghai or even go to our school as a visiting author. So far, we had some great poets/authors come over to our school and talk about what they wrote. I wished that I could met my favorite author one day. THANK YOU SOOOOOOOO MUCH FOR WRITING THESE BOOKS THAT MADE MY LIFE!!! THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!