Voting Ends This Friday!

Tell me, which way do I go?

I’m doing something different and very exciting for my US Passion tour. You get to decide which cities I’ll visit. Do you want to a signed copy of Passion? Do you live in (or near) one of these places?

* Atlanta, GA
* Boston, MA
* Dallas, TX
* Denver, CO
* Detroit, MI
* Houston, TX
* Miami, FL
* Minneapolis St. Paul, MN
* Phoenix, AZ
* St. Louis, MO
* San Francisco, CA

If so, cast your vote on Facebook by this Friday!

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  1. you need to come to Seattle! please!!!! its not up there and i really wanna get my books signed!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I like all those cities….however, Salt Lake City, Utah is a pretty awesome place to visit…hint, hint. You will be warmly welcomed here=)

  3. PLEASE COME TO CANADA! And why are your books so ridiculously ADDICTIVE!!! The FALLEN series is my perfect brand of heroine, not freakin’ Edward, or Bella, or WHOEVER!

    Thanks for having such amazing ideas, and being FREAKISHLY TALENTED, in case you needed more of an ego boost!


  4. Can’t wait to see you in Dallas. Crossing fingers, eyes and toes that you will make it here! 🙂 LOVE the series!!!

  5. :`( why not nyc . im a really big fan and i would die if i could get a autograph copy of passion!!! SERIOUSLY i would cry tears of joy 🙂 plz if you could come here i wud be soooooooooooooooooooooo etc… happy <3 <3

  6. I wish Chicago or Milwaukee could make the list, I’ve always wanted to go to a book signing and meet an author of a series I love! Can’t wait for Passion!!

  7. Do you ever think you could have the possibility of coming to Southern California, San Diego perhaps?

  8. and btw i love your series, absolutely I LOVE THEM! i would really like to meet you, that’s why you should come to Chicago!!:D

  9. Yay!!!!!!! i live in colorado springs!!!!!!!!! only an hour and a half from Denver=D =D =D

  10. St.Louis would warmely welcome you here as long as its not cold:) I really want a signed copy of Passion!! I love you and your amazingly talented! I hope i will be a great author like you someday!

  11. Oh Oh Oh! Houston! (starts jumping up and down) you inpired me! your books are what made me decide to become a Author, Houston! who wants to meet her in Houston?

  12. I live near Atlanta, GA…It’s a little over 2 hours to there so you should definitely come! I would LOVE a signed copy of passion!

  13. St. Paul, Minneapolis area would warmly welcome you! MOA – awesome place to do a book signing. ; )

  14. Dallas, definantly!! There are ten people in my class alone who have read your book, and every last one fell in love with it!

  15. I absouletly love your books , you should come to Virginia !
    You will be my first book sigining author that I went to .
    *That was worded very awkwardly*
    But YOU are the only person i actually WANT to go to . I mean I like stephine’s books but i never really wanted to go to one of her autographing things .
    but YOU changed my mind(:

  16. Please come to Borders in Allen Texas it is close to Dallas 20 minutes North on HWY 75 🙂
    can’t wait to meet you!!

  17. I really hope you can come to Miami, florida. You’re truly my favorite author and it would be the best thing that will ever happen if I got to meet you! I would be ABSOLUTELY thrilled!! and I know MANY people who’d feel the same! <3

  18. Please come to Columbia South Carolina….I really would like to have you sign my books…please!!!!!

  19. If you come to australia you have to come to Albury/Wodonga area, that way you can do two states at once =)

  20. You should Head over to BC. Lots of us readers would love you out here.

  21. come to atlanta i wish there was one in sc but it aint that far…everybody i know loves her books so come here…i want to get mine signed

  22. I loved your books and i really think you should come to somewhere around Western NY or in PA!!! I would really enjoy a signed copy of your books!!!


  24. you better come to florida miami please im convincing my friend in reading your books cuz i know she will love them because i love them you need to come i will force my mom to take me to see you please!!!!

  25. DETROIT, MI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please come to Detroit!!!!!!

  26. Unfortunately, I live in a nowheresville town in Montana known as Great Falls. You probably haven’t heard of it, it’s pretty unimportant and substantally boring. But if you’re reading this and you want to visit a small town, come this way! You are one of the BEST authors in the universe!
    P.S. I’ll be in North Middle School. And the only places that provide books are Barnes and Noble and the Public Library.

  27. I Live in Columbus Ohio pleaseeeeeeee go there, i know there are plenty of people who say they are your biggest fan, and im gonna be honest and say that I am MOST DEFFINATLEY one of them, i got a detention for reading your books during class, and I wish Passion would come out sooner because i have read your books 13 times each… No exaggeration (thought i do exaggerate i am NOT this time haha) Anyways please some to Columbus, though i know it is not an important city or state, but pleeaaaaasssseeee Thanks Ms. Kate for your time of writing one of my favorite books series XOXO

  28. What about canada?? There are alot of people who would like to meet you here. It is a great place for book signings and I have a few places you should go! 😀
    fort mcmurray (where i live)
    Newfoundland (birthplace) etc…
    PLease!!!! Your my inspiration to writing and it would be amazing to meet my Role Model!
    You are the best and it would be amazing to get to meet my favorite writer <3 (:

  29. I LOVE your books and it would be amazing if you visited minneapolis/st.paul mn, i live closeby and would love if you came!:)

  30. I live far from miami but in florida so please come to miami !!!!! I loved fallen that book had me craving the next page everytime your an amazing author !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  31. I Live near st.Louis,mo. Hope you come there as there are lots of fans in the Illinois side of the river. I don’t think I can wait til 2012,please post sneak peeks or even chapters here and there to keep us going!!! Keep writing you vision is wonderful!

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  38. thanks! B-Boys camera can make anyone look coolPress: 135-140-145 (felt good but 150 is just so much harder)Push Press: 155-165-175 (gotta get this up to 185 for 3 next go around)Jerk: 175 (4), 180 (4), 185 (4)- Did a few more sets of 180 (3), 185 (3), 190 (3) PRThat 5th rep is really hard after being so fatigued. Really need to work on it and hold it together.Nice work AM sessions. I enjoyed Dave commenting that he “really didnt want to do this” every time he finished a set haha.. way to power through!

  39. uffda, det var kjipt med Ingrid. Hun vokser jo ut igjen, men det hjelper jo ikke på denne sommeren.Håper du ikke har veldig vondt i foten, en forstuing kan være leit nok det.

  40. Hi nice post, i read your blog from time to time but i was wondering something. I also run a blog on a similar topic, but i get 1,000′s of spam comments and emails every day does that happen to you.. Any ideas to stop it? I currently have commenting disabled but i want to turn it back on.. Thanks!

  41. Very questionable officiating. Lakers getting killed inside and not getting calls meanwhile every Denver drive draws a whistle. I would have thought if anything it would be other way around but apparently stern does have it out for Lakers

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