I have had a BLAST trekking around this beautiful country – From Rio to Sao Paolo, from Curitiba to Florianopolis – my fans never cease to amaze me with their warmth and enthusiasm.
How lucky am I to be here?! More soon as I finish up and head back home…

Is always welcome to Brazil and especially in Rio de Janeiro.
Hi Lauren! What awesome pictures! I’m so glad you are having so much fun! Hope your experience here has been great inspiration for you. Brazilian readers really love your work and I’m glad we had a chance to meet you in person. Can’t wait to read Rapture! And thank you so much for mentioning me on your post. Have a great time, always! 🙂
Aw, it’s so good to see that you enjoyed Rio! We loved to have you here! I was there and was so much fun, you are lovely.
You are coming back to Rio this weekend, aren’t you? *-*
Awwwn <3
I'm so glad to see you enjoyed Brazil! You're beautiful and amazing, and I loved meeting you!!
You will always be welcome here.
Please come back always you want.
Not just for work, but to enjoy our beautiful places, like beaches and another awsome places.
I loved you come to São Paulo, and I have the pleased to meet you in -person.
Thanks for come!
Please , come to Recife/PE – BRASIL!!!!!!!!!
I am amazed by your stories and the versatility of the characters! They got me sighting and gasping along with them through the books! Please keep on writing angelical stories, I’m sure I’m not the only one that admires your work that much! =)
Come back always!
There are amazing places to visit in our country. Maybe a vacation!
We love your books!
i have no words for your books, they have made me laugh, cry, stay on the edge of my seat, bite ALL of my nails, worried and of course ‘WOWed’ They are absolutely awesome! i am very anxiously waiting for your new book Rapture and i also hope you keep going on with the lovely series! It’s just too good to end! 😉
🙂 come to Portugal now 🙂
poxa eu nem sabia q ela tinha ido pra ca 🙁
Hi I was happy to hear that you liked to come and Brazil. The next has made just pass here in Bahia, in the carnival. Q make sure you check you will really like the electric trios, customs and beaches as well, here is also known as the best carnival in Barsil, I certaza that you’ll like, you know what is good from a pass by the carnival in Rio de Janeiro and then one in Bahia. I love your Saga and waiting to launch the book Fallen In Love and Rapture. You already know when it will be released in Brasi? kisses
Oi estou louco pelo lançamento dos outros livros!!!
Parabéns pelo sucesso..aguardamos