Do you live in a non-English speaking country? Does your love for the Fallen series cross oceans and languages? Do you want to share the Fallen novels with others and help make sure all your friends are fans in time for the release of the Fallen movie?!
If you answered yes, then you might have what it takes to promote Fallen abroad!
I have a whole stack of foreign language editions that need good homes. So I’m looking for a few dedicated and passionate fans who are either Czech, Croatian, German, Dutch, Italian, Chinese or Taiwanese to take on the challenge of becoming my international ambassador. (If you want to be a Fallen ambassador for a language not listed above, just let me know in the comments section and I’ll keep you in mind for the next ambassador call.)

Here’s how it works: email me with “International Ambassador” in the subject line at with your name, age, country, occupation or grade/what you want to be when you grow up, and a short explanation of why you’d be great at promoting Fallen. Who would you give the books to? Why? Maybe you have a school library that could use some work, or perhaps your mom works at a children’s hospital where patients need cheering.
Or maybe you just want your family to understand what all the Fallen fuss is about.
Whatever the reason, the fans I choose will be sent a whole bundle of books to distribute as they’ve described, plus one or two goodies of their own. So get excited and start emailing! Submissions close on the last day of this month, September 30th!
Well this actually sounds quite interesting
OMG!! Lauren,in Brazil,is successful!
Would love this but alas I can only speak English and French 🙂 looking forward the the Lauren Kate event in Dublin in November though!!
Fantastic idea. However there are only 30 days in September 😉
I’d love to do this. But I’m from britan and only speak english.
Fallen is what made me put pen to paper, finger to keyboard and write. And I’m writing my own little project now. If i can get the success Fallen has then I’d be very happy.
I’d like to participate. I really want some people to read Fallen, one of my favourite series ever! 🙂 Unfortunately, I am from Romania and the country is not listed above. Is there a chance for me to participate, therefore?
Hi there Lauren. I’m from Australia and I speak English. Would love if you kept us over here in mind, as I have an amazing story behind why I’d love to do this. 🙂
Fangirl mode *activated*
I wanted to do this very badly! D:I speak English, Spanish, and French but my family speaks mostly Spanish even though we are in the United States. Too bad this challenge is only abroad 🙁
Spanish fan here! All readers from El Salvador LOVE YOU and your books! 🙂
Sounds really interesting!
Hi Lauren! I sent an e-mail to you explainig all you nwwded to know. But I live in Brazil, São Paulo. Our language is, obvious, portuguese. But like you said, I hope you keep that e-mail in mind to the next ambassador call. Love you, xoxo. 🙂
I am from Slovakia. I love Fallen, but your books are not very popular here. But I want to change it.
I’m from Mexico and I love Fallen series as a matter of fact I went to see you at the FIL in guadalajara last year, I’ve already made my friends read the books and I’m really excited for the movie. I would love to help you to promote the series here, could you have Mexico and Latinamerica in mind in the list for international ambassadors?
I am from Romania and I love your Fallen series. The first 3 novels were translated, but unfortunately the last 2 weren’t so i read them in english… I’m looking forward to read new novels and new series.
Hi Lauren, I like the idea, I’m from Argentina. Here all books for teens which are of fallen angels and vampires are very famous. I would like to take this opportunity to expand the saga Fallen
How about Greece?
I am from greece andI love your books.I’ve convinced my best friends to read theese books and they loved them too. So, think about Greece.People love your books…. 🙂
I have worked in the National Health Service for 36 years, but I am a very young 57 year old. My daughter has just turned 16 and has a very rare disease called Juvenile Dermatomyositis. She has been suffering from this for the last 4 years and is having loads of treatment every month. Not many people know about this disease as it is very rare, but my daughter has loved me reading your books to her and is looking forward to the film. Your books have given me the strngth and escapism I have needed as a mum and I love them dearly. I have never really grown up and do not want to. You have given me strength to deal with my daughter’s illness and this I have passed on to her, as we both love your books. Sometimes you have to live in a fantasy world to be able to cope and you have given us that escapism. Thank you so much, and whatever happens, as it may, you will always bring me that pleasure even if the worst happens!!
You give me strengthxxx
Good job Lauren, that sounds great and hopeful! It’s a good work and I think that many people will be benefited by Fallen, in wich is the best story ever. Well, I think you should call ambassadors here in Brazil. I know you have so much fans in here, but is still a poor country, wich the most kids and teenagers don’t like very much to read, and I think that with Fallen series is a light to their lives. That concept that “books is for nerds” will change. Please call ambassadors in Brazil!!
Lauren, Brazil please! Your books are very popular here!!!
Brazil please
Lauren and her fans who speak Portuguese … (I wanted to participate):
Promoção pros brasileiros também !
Hello I’m from Mexico and I would be very happy to be an ambassador, on vacations I discovered the reading world and it’s amazing, Fallen it’s one of the books that I read and I Fall in love of the story, i would be very happy to be part of this.
In this three last months I made my friends read many books and they like and they’re asking for more recommendations, I’m introducing so much people to the reading world and Fallen it’s included, in my literature class, we have to recommend books and do a reading circle and am very good convincing people, so please Please call ambassadors in Mexico, I swear I will not let you down.
Hi I am not a youngster. But love your books, just love romance and fantasty fiction /paranormal books I know a lot of people who read this type of books. I would love to be a ambassador for you. Kind regards nolab
This is really interesting. Hope you’ll have to find a Filipina Ambadress soon. I’llbe more than willing to volunteer. ^-^
awesome!!!! #filipinoFALLENatic !!! 😛
i’m from Philippines. i hope that you can also let us filipinos join your next ambassador roll call.. by the way, you are a very Awesome Author..Love the Fallen Series!!! 🙂
Slovenian please
Hi, I’m from Romania and I would like to be International Ambassador.
Hi Lauren! I’m from Brazil! I’d love to be an International Amabassador.
Hi Lauren! I’m from the Philippines and I’d love to be one of your International Ambassador.
Oi Lauren , te adoro muito , eu e minha amiga Geovana que tbm é fallenatica mandamos uma mensagem que adorariamos ser embaixadoras internacionais … Pf 😀
Hi Lauren I’m from Montgomery, Alabama and I would love to be your International Ambassador
Mabuhay Ms. Lauren Kate!
I am Mika and I am from the Philippines. I would very much like to be an ambassador for your Fallen series. I am utterly in love and obsessed with Daniel and Luce’s recurring story of love!
Hey Lauren! I’m from Switzerland and I’d LOVE to be an International Ambassador!
i sent an email to become an international Ambassador, but i didn’t asked, will this promotion be free or we must make the people to buy the books? cause it is more easy to give them to people free in countries with economical crisis like Greece than to sell them!
please let me know!
Next time don’t forget about Hungary, please! We still love your books! 🙂 Anyways, this is a great idea! 🙂
Don’t forget Italy, please! I’ve got lots of classmates who red your books and they were tired!! We are waiting for the film, we are impatients..
I’ve signed myself up, i’m from Holland and I really wanna be an International Ambassador! Woehoe
lots of love
Lauren kate, eu sou do brasil, e meio que amoo fallen, e gostaria muito de ser uma embaixadora internacional, eu já comecei a espalhar Fallen para minha roda de amigas, e seria um sonho representar fallen aqui no brasil…
Hi Lauren! I’m from mexico city I’d love to be an International Amabassador.ilove your books
When will we know who’s an Ambassador?
Hey Lauren I’m from Mexico City and I can’t wait to see the results to see your powerful ambassadors. I love your books and I can’t wait to buy Teardrop, YOU’RE AN AMAZING WRITER!!!
I love Fallen! I know its late but I know a lot of teens that very much would love your books! !! Please contact me and let me know if I can help.
Dear Lauren
I live in Switzerland. I’d be honored to be an ambassador. Please give me a chance. Read the entire Fallen series and pre ordered Teardrop already.
Hi Lauren, I’m from Brazil and I have a fan club for Fallen (@FansFallenatics), and i would be so proud of be a International Ambassador of Fallen in Brazil!!!!!
Come to Luxemburg.I know that Luxemburg is a little country but you have a lot of fans here 😉
ola lauren soy de España y me gustaria ser una de tus embajaddoras aqui me encantan tus libros
Wow! I’m so proud of the Filipino fans. We got featured in this article as a good example of a Fallen fan! I’m such a huge fan of this series and for some reason, I cried for each of the books. Especially Passion. It’s so full of love that is limitless, and timeless. Now I’m inspired to read it again!
I want to join but I lived in Philippines can I join??
What about India????? People are crazy about fallen series here!!!!
what about mexico my sister lives there and she is a huge fan.
I am from Sweden and I wwant to be an abmasador bur Sweden is not on the list
I am from Greece and would like to be a Fallen ambassador in my country. Please consider me if you ever do a competition for Greece too. 🙂 Thanks!
what about Portugal? Think about it xoxo
Wow! I’d be honoured if I could be an ambassador in Switzerland.
I really love your books!