I had the most amazing time last week on the US Passion tour. A huge, impassioned thanks to all of you who came out to the events in SF, Atlanta, Miami and Dallas. You drove from other states, through crazy weather, carting your whole families with you. You shared fascinating, poignant, and funny stories with me about your lives and your relationships to the Fallen books. You even got me to do the Time Warp (see below). I ended the tour feeling happy, lucky, and grateful to have such wonderful support from so many readers. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
If I missed your city this time, I wish I could have gotten everywhere to meet you all. I hope I’ll be somewhere closer to you in the near future.
If I’m heading your way in Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Cebu, Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, or Auckland–I can’t wait to see you and share Passion with you. See you soon!

I had the most amazing time last week on the US Passion tour. A huge, impassioned thanks to all of you who came out to the events in SF, Atlanta, Miami and Dallas. You drove from other states, through crazy weather, carting your whole families with you. You shared fascinating, poignant, and funny stories with me about your lives and your relationships to the Fallen books. I ended the tour feeling happy, lucky, and grateful to have such wonderful support from so many readers. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
If I missed your city this time, I wish I could have gotten everywhere to meet you all. I hope I’ll be somewhere closer to you in the near future.
If I’m heading your way in Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Cebu, Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, or Auckland–I can’t wait to see you and share Passion with you. See you soon!
Your tour looks really good.
Wish you were coming to Adelaide, Australia 🙁
I really loved Passion. I went to b&n on 14th to get and next morning I was finished, just couldn’t put it down. I’m from Finland but I’m visiting in USA for the summer and I was so disappointed that the tour didnt come near enough for me to participate (staying in DC). Maybe some day I’m able to make it so I can get my books signed. Really love them all.
on what date and where are you going to appear at brisbane australia?
I can’t wait for you to come back here in Manila! I wasn’t able to come last year, so I’m gonna make sure to come this time!
Come to Sterling Heights Michigan! Tons of fans here! i went to Barnes and Nobles to get Passion and they were sold out and the book had only been out for less than a week! i was heart broken! Please come here! Everyone would be soooo happy!
You should come to Seattle or Mill Creek Washington!!! Pleaseee:)
hello 🙂 I’m a big big fan of your books lauren! When are you coming here at London, UK? hope you come and visit!!
Oh my Goodness!! I just finished reasing the latest of your books PASSION and I loved it! I am a huge fan of your books!!!!! I wish you could have stopped somewhere in north carolina for those of us here! I am so ready for the last book!!!!!!!!!!! I want to know what will happen next!
I love ur book n hope to get my books signed someday (: but I seen a preview one day while watchn a movie w my kids for fallen. Did I miss it? Is it already out ? Or when does it come out! Lookd totally awesome!
Hi lauren !
I read Torment again, because I loved it so much ! I love page 240, I read it like 10 times. I can’t wait for Passion to come out in the Netherlands, so I ordered it online in English. You can see that my English isn’t good, but I just really want to know what happens next. What will Luce find in her past ? And is there something with Miles in the third book… I can imagine how he would look like, the boy next door-ish ! Haha (: My book will come the day after tomorrow, I can’t wait !
I also wanted to say that you’re an awesome writer ! I can’t stop reading your books, and i can’t put them away. I always end up reading them again. I can’t compare Fallen & Torment with any other book I’ve read. Well, you should check out Evermore by Alyson Noël. The story is quite similar, but with you, it’s like you want your own Daniël ! (And Miles & Cam ) (:
I missed the Fantasy Fair, I only knew that you were there after it happend, so I hope you can come to the Netherlands again ! Like you said, you love Amsterdam… I hope I can get my books signed.
I’ve never been so excited about books before, and yours made me realize what true love is, and you have to give up things, to be with the one you want.
xx Kyra
I can’t wait to see you in Sydney. Love all your books! Can’t wait for rapture !!
See you Soon !!!
I have just read all three books in a week and can hardly wait to read the next …..I think they will make great movies like….Twilight..
when she came to sydney i asked her about rapture and she said she finished the first draft!!!!!
Did you already go to canada??? Please come to Toronto, Ontario!!! Please, that would be just amazing:D pleeaaaseee!!
Hi Lauren! I just finished reading Passion and it’s amazing! Can’t wait for Rapture 😀
I love Fallen books <3
I was wondering if you were ever going to sign books in Houston, Texas? I have a ton of friends who would just die if you came!!! Please let me know!
~Kailey 🙂
Thanks for finally talking about >Tour of the Passion Tour – Lauren Kate Books
<Loved it!