For the past three months I have been training for a half-marathon with a group called Team in Training. Team in Training is a philanthropic organization that raises funds for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Leukemia causes more deaths than any other cancer among children and young adults under the age of 20 and is the number 1 cancer in senior citizens.
I was personally touched by the disease last year, when my grandfather lost his battle with leukemia. So now, along with my Team in Training running group, I am racing to raise money to help battle blood cancers.
By September 5th, the day of the half marathon (in Disneyland!), my goal is to raise over $2000 to go toward finding new treatments and eventually a cure for this devastating disease.
So what does this have to do with you, you ask? I have forty copies of my books (including some various fun editions, like a lush mass market paperback of Fallen from the UK, the audio book, a couple Spanish and Italian versions, and even a few advance copies of Torment!) that I will be auctioning off to the first forty people who make a donation (of $10 or more) through my Team in Training website. I will sign, personalize, and send a special thank you note with the book to anyone who helps me support the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.
You can visit my fundraising website here and make a secure online donation on the right hand side of the page. I’ll get an email notification when you do, and as long as you include your email and mailing address when you fill out the donation, I’ll have all the information I need to send you your personalized book. I will email you before I send your book to check whether you have special dedication wishes, or if you can read, say, Chinese and want that edition! I have no idea how many of you will be interested in this, but if we exceed the forty books I’m starting with, I’ll update my blog and maybe increase the quantity. (That would be incredible!)

I know that many of you and the people you love have also been touched by some form of cancer, and it feels wonderful to know there are great organizations out there like Team in Training and the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society that allow all of us to get involved–even in a small way–to save lives.

Good Luck with your goal I really hope you reach it! I am sure you will with all the fans who read your blog and with the possiblity of getting an advanced copy of Torment that you will surpass your goal!!
LLS is such a great charity. My children’s theater group, Stage Left, formed the Rockland county division of LSS since we just recently found out one of our Lefties has Leukemia. She is only 18. We are participating in the LIght the Night to raise awareness for Leukemia and to help our dear friend and raise money for LLS. So far we have raised over $10,000 for LLS and our Light the Night walk. It such a great organization. We are even shooting to raise $12,000. I’m glad to see someone else supporting such a great charity.
Oh I would love to donate but I am doing the same type of thing(I am walking 24 hours… not running though) for the American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life! This is a great charity also!!!
This is so awesome. I did not even know about the site. However you should be insanely proud of yourself for helping out and donating your books as an incentive.
Thanks for the opportunity.
Good luck lauren! I posted information on my Facebook page as well as my My Space page. I am hoping this helps you get to your goal! Though im sure just mentioning the fact that you have advanced copys of Torment will do the job, as Im sure everyone including my self can’t wait to read torment. So GOOD LUCK!
Good luck with your run, Lauren! I absolutely applaud you for doing this and using your wonderful books to raise money for this cause! Whether I get a book or not, you have my gratitude, support, and donation! I’m a leukemia survivor myself (well, still fighting, but definitely winning!!) and I love to see my favorite authors giving their time and work (and sweat!!) to such an important cause! Thank you, thank you, thank you!! ๐
I tried donating but it says my postal code is wrong. Which is isn’t. Is there any way i can pay by paypal??
I just wanted to thank you for using the love and popularity of your amazing books to make a difference in the lives of people with leukemia. I wish I had more to give, but I figured every little bit counts! Best of luck in the race and in your training!
I wish you would come to Brazil. I see pictures of events that you participate in the blog and I am so jealous of those who can meet you personally… Useless Geographical barrier !
As I wanted a signed Torment. But unfortunately, Fallen will be released in Brazil now, in August. Torment should only get here next year and don’t know how to buy a signed copy in English = /
I’ve participated in “Team in Training” event for Diabetes and wish you well. It’s hard losing ones we love to various diseases, but doing great things helps to ease the hurt.
God Bless.
Sooo amazing of you to do this! I sent my donation in ๐
Wow! you met your goal. Thanks for helping out those in need lauren kate. They day of your marathon is on my birthday so good luck!
lauren, i just wanted 2 say thank you so much for everything your doing for people with blood problems. my cousin had 2 go into the hospital a couple of weeks ago, losing blood internally, we dont know whats wrong but the doctors think its most likely leukemia, i was on your website,( we looove your books), and saw that you participate in team in training and just wanted to stop by and say many thanks i wish i could have donated to help you but we havent had any money lately because my cousin has not enough insurance to cover everything he needs and he is having surgery today so a lot of expenses. thanks 4 everything we really appreciate it all and cant wait til i get the money for your next book!! Meagan Mobleyโ