Here’s a clip (and a few photos) from a recent interview I did with Rosan from Ondertussen while at the Elf Fantasy Fair in Holland last month. It was a magical trip.
A New Look for Natalie Hargrove
Styles change. And Natalie Hargrove was never one to be caught wearing last year’s look. That’s why this summer, The Betrayal of Natalie Hargrove is getting a brand new look. Have you read my first novel, which Publishers Weekly calls “deliciously twisted?”
Cruel Intentions meets Macbeth in this seductive, riveting tale of conscience and consequence.
And guess what? It’ll be available in store on June 14th. Pick it up along with your copy of Passion!
Voting Ends This Friday!
I’m doing something different and very exciting for my US Passion tour. You get to decide which cities I’ll visit. Do you want to a signed copy of Passion? Do you live in (or near) one of these places?
* Atlanta, GA
* Boston, MA
* Dallas, TX
* Denver, CO
* Detroit, MI
* Houston, TX
* Miami, FL
* Minneapolis St. Paul, MN
* Phoenix, AZ
* St. Louis, MO
* San Francisco, CA
If so, cast your vote on Facebook by this Friday!
Countdown to Passion
With just a little over 2 months until Passion comes out (in the US, UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand), I wanted to let you know some exciting news. First of all, this time when I go on my book tour, YOU get to decide which cities I’ll visit. Log on to the Fallen facebook page and vote from eleven US cities for the one nearest to you!
Stay tuned in the coming weeks for a Passion trailer, sneak peeks from the books, and some never before revealed behind the scenes information! I can’t wait to share all of this with you–and of course, cannot wait for June 14th!
Willie Nelson Warm Up
I always listen to this song when I first start writing a Fallen novel…
Happy Valentines Day
This Friday: Virtual Paranormal Romance Panel
This Friday, February 4th at 9am PT/5pm GMT, I will be chatting with Karen Mahoney, Amy Meredith, the lovely Jo from Once Upon a Bookcase, and YOU! Check out Jo’s site for details on how to participate. I can’t wait!
10 Books That Rocked My 2010
A look back at some of last year’s most excellent reads:
10. The Replacement by Brenna Yovanoff: If you’ve encountered me in the past year, you might have heard me rave about this book. I got to read an advanced copy, and as soon as I was finished, I was desperate for the book to publish so I could talk about it with the rest of the world. It’s chilling and lovely and weird and not like any book I’ve read before. I’ll be Brenna’s fan for life.
9. Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins: I’m hesitant to add this book to this list because I’m sure so many of you have already read it, and also because I had such a complicated with reading this book. I fell hard for the Hunger Games, and harder still for Catching Fire. But I struggled with Mockingjay. I had so many questions about the choices that Collins made. I wanted it to be different. By the time I finished the book, I was satisfied with the way the series ended, but frustrated with a big part of the journey in the third book. Mockingjay goes on my list because it was still an important book for me this year and because it made me think a lot about the expectations readers have at the end of a series.
8. The Glory of Angels by Edward Lucie-Smith: this is an art book that explores artistic depictions of angels across history, religious, and cultures. It’s more a coffee table-stunner than a curl-up-and-read kind of thing, but it is so beautiful and such a great reference that I’m throwing it on the list. I bought it last month in the gift shop of the oldest cathedral in Santa Fe and just know I will be pouring over it when I sit down to write Rapture in a few months. If you’re all about angels, you will surely dig this book.
Passion unveiled
I’ve been waiting for a long time to show off how gorgeous this is!
When I started writing Passion, I knew the series was bursting into some very exciting uncharted territory. This chase backwards through time, with each chapter set in a different country and a different century across five thousand years is undoubtedly the most romantic, most intense, most…passionate book I’ve ever written–and I think you’ll agree it has the cover to match. I love the dramatic bursts of color, the intensity and desolation of the backdrop, and of course, the dress. It’s also the perfect book to show just a hint of Luce’s face. I am counting down the days until I can share the book with you, but in the meantime, I hope you love the cover as much as I do.
Coming soon to the UK
Get Ready Philippines
My lovely UK tour
I just got back from a terrific tour of the UK, making stops in London, Manchester, Bury, Liverpool, Milton Keynes, and Birmingham, and talking up Torment to tons of bloggers, librarians, teachers, booksellers, and lots and lots of readers. I met all the wonderful people who are publishing my books in the UK and even got to attend the 4th annual Eternal Twilight Convention It was a blast.
Snaps from the Torment Tour

Come Visit Me on Tour!
Torment Tour USA Dates and Store Addresses:
San Francisco:
Tuesday, September 28th–Barnes & Noble, El Cerrito, CA at 6:30 PM
(6050 El Cerrito Place)
Wednesday, September 29th–Kepler’s, 7pm
(1010 El Camino Real, Menlo Park, CA)
Thursday, September 30th–University Bookstore in Mill Creek at 6:30 PM
(15311 Main Street, Mill Creek, WA)
Friday, October 1st–Borders in Redmond, WA at 7pm
(16549 N.E. 74th St. Redmond, WA)
Saturday, October 2nd–Powell’s in Cedar Hills at 2:00 PM
(3415 SW Cedar Hills Blvd, Beaverton OR)
AND Barnes & Noble in Clackamas, OR at 7:00 PM
(12000 SE 82nd Avenue, Portland, OR)
Orange County, CA:
Sunday, October 3rd–Orange County Book Festival at 11:00 AM
(2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa, CA)
Monday, October 4th–Barnes & Noble in Alpharetta, GA at 7:00 PM
(Mansell Crossings Shopping Center)
Tuesday, October 5th–Books-A-Million in Discover Mills at 7:00 PM
(5900 Sugarloaf Pkwy #321, Lawrenceville, GA)
Wednesday, October 6th–Davis-Kidd at 6:00 PM
(387 Perkins Road Ext, Memphis, TN)
Thursday, October 7th–Barnes and Noble at 7:00 PM
(2774 N Germantown Pkwy, Memphis, TN)
Friday, October 8th–Davis-Kidd at 4:00 PM
(212 Green Hills Village Drive, Nashville, TN)
Saturday, October 9th–Southern Festival of Books
(War Memorial Plaza, Nashville, TN)
New York:
Monday, October 11th–Barnes & Noble in Carle Place, NY at 7:00 PM
(91 Old Country Road, Carle Place, NY)
Tuesday, October 12th–Borders in Westbury, NY at 7:00 PM
(1260 Old Country Road, Westbury, NY)
Wednesday, October 13th–Anderson’s in Naperville, IL at 7:00 PM
(123 West Jefferson Avenue, Naperville IL)
Thursday, October 14th–Borders in Schaumburg, IL at 7:00 PM
(1540 Golf Road Schaumburg, IL 60173)
Last week, Jason and I took an unforgettable trip to Berlin to celebrate the 175th anniversary of my publisher’s parent company, Bertelsmann.

The week was packed with meetings, parties, photo shoots, and one very fancy gala at the Konzerthaus. It was the place to be in Berlin that night and everyone from Chancellor Merkel to Leona Lewis was there.
The Passion Pastiche
While you’ve been patiently waiting for Torment…
I’ve been hard at work on the first draft of Passion. It’s third book in the Fallen series, and a prequel to everything that occurs in Fallen and in Torment. In its conception, this book felt like an impossible project to me: It covers a span of 5000 plus years, dips into a new setting, a new country, and usually, a new century with each new chapter. And it aims to explain just about every important moment that ever passed between Luce and Daniel. Definitely the biggest narrative challenge I’ve ever given myself.
I was nervous before I started writing it. I’d had such a great, fun, charmed experience writing Torment, but I know this book was going to be much more complicated, much more taxing. Just as I did when I started writing Fallen, I turned to books for help. Only this time, in addition to the theological research books I used for Fallen, I also got to look at some of my favorite novels for help with period and setting. Recognize any of these?
Torment Teaser Finale
Less than a month now! I can’t wait, can you?
Check out the newly revamped website.
Torment trailer in three parts:
Courtesy of Random House Australia
Read a Book, Save a Life
For the past three months I have been training for a half-marathon with a group called Team in Training. Team in Training is a philanthropic organization that raises funds for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Leukemia causes more deaths than any other cancer among children and young adults under the age of 20 and is the number 1 cancer in senior citizens.
I was personally touched by the disease last year, when my grandfather lost his battle with leukemia. So now, along with my Team in Training running group, I am racing to raise money to help battle blood cancers.
By September 5th, the day of the half marathon (in Disneyland!), my goal is to raise over $2000 to go toward finding new treatments and eventually a cure for this devastating disease.
So what does this have to do with you, you ask? I have forty copies of my books (including some various fun editions, like a lush mass market paperback of Fallen from the UK, the audio book, a couple Spanish and Italian versions, and even a few advance copies of Torment!) that I will be auctioning off to the first forty people who make a donation (of $10 or more) through my Team in Training website. I will sign, personalize, and send a special thank you note with the book to anyone who helps me support the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.
You can visit my fundraising website here and make a secure online donation on the right hand side of the page. I’ll get an email notification when you do, and as long as you include your email and mailing address when you fill out the donation, I’ll have all the information I need to send you your personalized book. I will email you before I send your book to check whether you have special dedication wishes, or if you can read, say, Chinese and want that edition! I have no idea how many of you will be interested in this, but if we exceed the forty books I’m starting with, I’ll update my blog and maybe increase the quantity. (That would be incredible!)

I know that many of you and the people you love have also been touched by some form of cancer, and it feels wonderful to know there are great organizations out there like Team in Training and the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society that allow all of us to get involved–even in a small way–to save lives.

Comic Con
My first trip to Comic Con was a great time this weekend. I did a few video interviews that will be available on youtube very shortly. I got to sit on a Bite Me panel with six other fantasy writers, where we spoke to around 350 Comic Conners about everything from demented unicorns, to how we do our research, to whether or not proper vampires have fangs.
I had a really nice signing after the panel:
A little bit of news…
Hi everyone! Several bits of news today:
First off, I’m excited to report that I’ve been nominated for an Indigo Teen Reads award in the Best New Writer category. This is the inaugural year for the contest, run by the great Canadian bookstore, and the best part is: readers get to choose the winners! Please visit the site, fill out the very quick registration form, and vote for Fallen (and me) in the Best New Writer category.
This is what you’ll see after you vote. If you’re hard core, you can come back and vote every day!
Next up, I’m about to head out on a blog tour in the UK for a little armchair (or desk chair) travel. Tomorrow (June 30th), you can find me at Book Chick City, and I’ll be making about ten more stops after that. More details, dates, and links to come.
My Brit blog tour coincides with the perfect-beach-read mass market paperback release of Fallen in the UK, and I also have this wonderful new trailer to share. Some of you Brits might be seeing it during the theater previews for Eclipse this week!
You think YOU read a lot?
Try going head to head with Jason. Behold the list of 100+ books my favorite PhD candidate has spent the past 5 months reading.
Yes, the monster list, taped on the back of our closet door, is taller than both of us and took three photographs to capture. But Jason still managed to slay it. See all the little check marks?
For the past five months he’s been preparing for his oral exam, which he takes this Friday (!!!). For three hours, three professors will grill him on any/all of these books, asking questions like “How would you teach this text in an introduction to Shakespeare class?” And this is just the first of two monster tests he has to pass before he writes his dissertation. Hear that, all you future English PhD’s out there? Are you scared? (I’m scared.)
So around here, it’s been one book a day, every day, for five straight months. He wakes up in the morning, he reads. I take the dog for a hike, he reads. I fool around online for seven hours, he continues to read. Because these are major doorstops of books. Tomes. Like on Tuesday: he sat down and read the Bible. The whole thing! Another day he tackled the very thrilling Shakespeare’s Perjured Eye: The Invention of Poetic Subjectivity in the Sonnets. Sounds like a real page turner, huh? Today he’s reading Paradise Lost. He’s got serious speed-reading skillz.
I marvel at his reading stamina and am feeling very proud that he’s made it through this list. As if it wasn’t already before, his brain is certainly a goldmine now.
So good luck on Friday, Jason, and thank you for always flagging the angel references for me. xx
Book Expo America 2010
I went to New York last week for BEA, which, for those of you who don’t know, is a huge book expo held every May to showcase books coming out in the fall. I’ve been a couple times before back when I worked as an editor, and it’s always a whirlwind of book signings, banquets, award ceremonies, and lots of oogling upcoming releases. There is much to get excited about and so much swag to snag. From my own stash, I’m most excited to dig into Lauren Oliver’s Delirium and Jennifer Donnelly’s Revolution. People bring extra suitcases to schlep back all the ARCs and books they take home. I once saw a woman wielding one of those Costco-sized grocery carts.

This year, being on the author side was so much fun. I loved spending time with my team at Delacorte and loooved hearing all about their brilliant plans for Torment’s release in a few months. I got to meet my British, Australian, and even Croatian publishers and talk about plans to visit both the UK and Australia/New Zealand over the next year. I got to see Susanne Collins accept an award from the American Booksellers Association—and had to hold myself back from tackling her and telling her how much I love her books. I sat down with my agents to talk about plans for the next book after Torment (hard to believe I’ll start writing that in a few weeks!).
You asked for it…
Here it is:
And, for your listening pleasure, here’s Willie crooning about angels.
Are you Team Daniel or Team Cam?
On Curiosity
(Note: I recently wrote this for a blog called Fragments of Life, but I thought I’d also share it with you here.)
A few months ago, I went to visit my parents at the house where I grew up in Texas. My mom, in her mom way, likes to make use of my presence to clean out closets.
“Can we throw out these softball trophies?”
“What about these old dance recital costumes?”
“You’re never going to wear these shoes again, are you?”
And on it goes. If Mom and I fill up a garbage bag to take to goodwill, the day has been a success. This last trip, she was going through my old dresser, tossing things into the trash with reckless abandon—until we came across an old sketchbook buried in the recesses of a drawer.
“What is that?” my mom asked, when I leapt up to save the sketchbook from its date with the trashcan. I recognized it immediately. I’d filled it up on a road trip my family took to Colorado in the summer of 1994. The binding was split and a few of the pages were loose, but otherwise, it was still in good shape. Once glance at its rough maroon cover brought back a flood of memories.
Time Off!
I’ve been on vacation this week. Torment finally went to my editor, my parents came to visit, and it was my birthday on Sunday. A perfect little storm. My favorite thing we did with my parents was take them up to Santa Barbara for a night. We drove along the PCH through sun and fog and seabreeze, ate at the Hitching Post (of Sideways fame) and stayed in the cute Danish town of Solvang. While we were gone, Milo went to visit his godfather, Matt.
Some say he’s a cautious dog. Easily terrified is another way of putting it. Matt captured a lot of Milo’s adventures on film. Here’s a clip of some of the fun he had without us.
For my birthday on Sunday night, Jason took me to a secret supper club in Santa Monica. It’s run by these two cool women chefs, pops up in a new location just four times a year (you get an email two hours before the meal to let you know where to go), and is so underground that I was supposed to agree not to blog about it. Whoops! But I the food was so so so incredible and it was such a cool, special birthday present that I must at least mention it. Not by name. Below is the remains of a chocolate souffle with corn ice cream and chile-flecked cotton candy.
The Torment Cover
Welcome Milo!
We got a dog on Monday! His name is Milo and he’s a brindle boxer about six months old. I’ve wanted to get a dog for a long time but have had to wait until we had enough time and space to make it possible. I’ve been scouring rescue dog websites for a few months, looking for medium-sized, floppy eared young dogs, but we hadn’t gone to actually look at any yet. Then, last Sunday, a friend saw Milo at an adoption street fair, gave us a call, and as soon as we got down there and saw him, we had a feeling he was the one.
The Only Immortal Boy in New York and My First TV Appearance
I hear it was cold this weekend in New York. Luckily, this guy was there to heat things up.
On Friday, right before Valentines Day, “Daniel” hit Times Square to promote Fallen. People often ask me my favorite part of writing teen novels. I’m not embarrassed at all to say that promo events like this are dangerously close to the top of the list? Look at this! It’s fantastic!
While Daniel was busy wooing the ladies of New York, I ventured back up to northern California for my first ever TV appearance. I used to watch Good Day Sacramento when I lived in Winters while I was in grad school, so it was a lot of fun (and very nervewracking) to be asked on as a guest. Here’s a shot of me prepping in the Green Room and a link to the clip on Good Day’s website. (It will load, eventually, on the right side of the page.)
Snow Days
I’ve been friends with my oldest, closest friend Megan since we were three. We met in pre-school, spent every waking second we were allowed to together as kids, tormented her little brother together, were tormented by my older brother together, and ran up enormous phone bills when we moved away from each other to go to college. We have the kind of friendship where I’m not really sure something big has happened to me until I’m able to pick up the phone and tell Megan.
Driving Lessons

My husband launched his car off this cliff a half an hour before hour wedding. Some of you already know this little story, but for those of you who don’t: Relax! No one was in the car, no one was hurt (save an olive tree that was split in two), and our wedding was pret-ty perfect after that. As the Jewish side of the family was quick to point out: “What’s a wedding without a little broken glass?”
I bring this up now because the car we bought to replace the wrecked one is a stick shift. And I have never driven a stick shift. So the time has come for me to learn.
Pictures of ze Day
The Fallen display at the ALA Midwinter conference in Boston. Sounds like it was a great weekend!
From my reading last night at the Borders in Mission Viejo. Thanks to Carlos and Rose at the store and to the great group who braved the apocalyptic storm to come out!
Selective Reading (re-post)
Happy torrentially downpouring Monday from Los Angeles. Thought I’d throw this short essay up today in case anyone missed it from my guest blogging at Beatrice last week:
When I was ten months old, my mother made an appointment with our ear doctor because she thought I was deaf. Hearing the story told for the first time to my husband recently, I was impressed by my mom’s verve as she relayed the family lore. Her eyes lit up telling of the placid way I’d stare into space when she tried to reason with me, how often I ignored my name being called.
A half-hour doctor’s visit revealed perfectly sound hearing in both my ears, and left only one explanation: at less than a year old, I was already selectively hearing my mother. (This is when my dad chimes in: “smart kid.”)
When people invoke the term “selective memory” or when my mother refers to my lifelong “selective hearing,” they’re referring to a way of tuning out what, for whatever reason, we don’t want to retain. Those terms get a bad rap, but I’d like to make a case for selective reading—tuning out or tuning up certain moments in a narrative—as a key to reading fiction.
Weekend Update
Here’s a pic from a book signing I did in LA with my friend Anna Carey, author of Sloane Sisters. It was a lot of fun, filled with cookies and enthusiasm–if you don’t count the one angry dude who walked into the store and barked at us because we didn’t know where the bird guides were. “You don’t work here? You’re just sitting in the middle of the store then?” Yes, sir.
Bird guides aside, my weekend was a relaxing mix of football watching, picture hanging (officially the last step in Moving Into a New Place), Mexican food eating at my new watering hole, El Compadre, and lots of Torment revising. I’m about halfway through the second draft and it’s hard to contain my excitement about this book. I hope it’s worth the wait until September!
My blog tour continues this week with a few added stops, on at Bitten by Books on Tuesday, and two more at SUVUDU and The Undeath Match (both on Thursday). And I have a reading and a signing in Mission Viejo on Tuesday night. Hope to see some SoCal-ers representing!
Next Up: A blog tour and SoCal signings
On Monday, January 11th, I’m excited to embark on my first blog tour. I’ll be guest blogging about all sorts of things from forbidden love, to why I sometimes ignore my mother, to what it felt like to get the news that Fallen hit the New York Times Bestseller List. Here’s a list of the blogs where I can be found–and I’ll post what I write here as well:
January 11th Beatrice
January 12th Through a Glass Darkly
January 13th A Patchwork of Books
January 14th The Reading Zone
January 15th The Children’s Book Review
January 20th
January 21st The Book Butterfly
January 26th
I also have a few upcoming events in Southern California, so those of you who live nearby, please come out!
On Saturday, January 16th, I’ll be signing books at Chevaliers in Los Angeles from 1-3pm.
On Tuesday, January 19th, I’ll be reading from Fallen and signing books at the Borders in Mission Viejo at 7pm.
On Saturday, January 30th, I’ll be reading from Fallen and signing books at the Borders in Long Beach at 2pm.
When I was in Arkansas recently for the holidays, my publisher sent 300 copies of Fallen to my mother in law’s house for me to sign for the ALA mid-winter conference. It was a tough job, but at least I had a helper:
I wish my nephew David Franklin could come to all of my signings with me, but I understand he’s got other things on his plate.
That’s all for now. If you’re local, I hope you can make it to one of these upcoming bookstore events! If you’re reading this from afar, I hope you’ll join me on my blog tour.
Have a great weekend, everyone. Tonight I’m going to see a double feature of Crazy Heart (an overdue birthday present to Jason) and Youth in Revolt (because Michael Cera is the bomb). Living on the edge here!
Happy Holidays!
Happy Holidays from Hot Springs, Arkansas where I am spending the week with family and friends. We spent a week in Dallas with my fam hoarding QT with this little longhorn:

then drove up to Arkansas to see this little cookie monster:

before we head to New Orleans for New Years Eve and then jet back home to L.A. Altogether, a pretty perfect holiday break! It’s been so cool to see copies of Fallen and The Betrayal of Natalie Hargrove under some nearby Christmas trees. I hope everyone is enjoying the break, relaxing with family, and having some holiday cheer.
Now it’s time for me to give a shout-out to the three winners of my Natalie Hargrove giveaway contest!
*drumroll pls*
Hello from the Big D
I can’t get enough of this Bridezilla song in the beautiful Fallen trailer from Australia.
I am home at my parents’ house for the holidays and last night, I did a reading and signing at Legacy Books in Plano, TX. It was great to promote Fallen and The Betrayal of Natalie Hargrove in my home town, in front of so many friends and family members, and at such an amazing bookstore!
Born in Time
The other day, a reader asked me the best question I’ve been asked yet about my books. She’d read a particuarly lovey-dovey scene between Luce and Daniel and she wanted to know whether I really believed that love like that existed in the real world. Of course! I told her. I just found it myself.
Today is my husband Jason’s birthday. Because we’re going home to our families in Texas and Arkansas this weekend, he will get not one, but four birthday parties. Today we’re celebrating with a few of his favorite things: The Beatles (we watched disc 5 and 6 of the box set last night), Starman (we’ll squeeze in a viewing of that classic sometime today), and cheese dip–he is from Arkansas (we’re going to a Mexican joint tonight with a 30 person mariachi band!). HAPPY BIRTHDAY JASON!
This was our first song at our wedding. Also works for birthdays: Bob Dylan: Born in Time
A Contest!
This is a Palmetto. It’s being showcased today for two reasons:
1. Because it’s so cold up here in Laurel Canyon right now that I needed to reminded myself that I live in tropical southern California now and not the blustery East Coast.
2. Because this innocent little Palmetto tree plays a very important role in my book, The Betrayal of Natalie Hargrove. And with all of the excitement yesterday over Fallen’s release (which has been wonderful*), Natalie was getting a little bit…jealous. You know how she is. Always has to be in the limelight. This fabulous review from The Book Scout yesterday assuaged her a little, but poor old Natalie is still feeling like the other white meat compared to another book of mine. Which is why I’ve decided to throw her a little book-giveaway party. Yes, three lucky people will get a signed copy of The Betrayal of Natalie Hargrove just for attending her little bash. All you have to do is register to follow my blog, send me a message here with your email address, and include your nomination for the best dog name (I want one for Christmas!). The contest will run through 5pm EST Christmas Eve, and the three winners will be chosen at random. Just don’t tell Nat that you’re getting it for free. She doesn’t like to think of herself as that kind of girl…
This Time Tomorrow…
Here in rainy Laurel Canyon, we are no long counting down the days until Fallen comes out, we are counting down the hours! It’s been a hugely busy past few weeks: finishing up the first draft of Torment, participating in blog interviews, web chats, and book discussions everyday, picking out what to read at my release day reading at Barnes and Noble in Glendale, CA tomorrow night–all while moving into a new house, unpacking, and starting to settle in.
I am so very excited about tomorrow, I think going to sleep tonight is going to feel like going to sleep on Christmas Eve or the night before a birthday. Thanks to everyone who has been contacting me through this site. It’s been great to read all your supportive and excited comments.
Speaking of websites, there’s some very cool new stuff on the Fallen Books website. Check out the Sword and Cross Archives!
If you live in or around LA–please come out tomorrow night to my reading at Barnes and Noble in Glendale. It’s a 6pm at 210 Americana Way, Glendale, CA 91210!
My First Reading
My mom sent me this old photo today. I think, all those years ago, I was preparing for my future first book reading (which takes place a week from tomorrow at Barnes and Noble in Glendale, CA!). What a captivated audience I had.
Fallen in the Random House Windows
I’m a sucker for a good window display. When I lived in New York, I walked past all the big department stores on my way to work and always loved when the holidays rolled around so I could see what Saks, Bendels, and Bergdorf had concocted. Though not quite as elaborate as a Saks display, this one made my week. I’ve been hearing about this poster but haven’t had a chance to see it myself (one of the pitfalls of living across the country). Thanks to my friend Cristin for sending this along!
It’s Natalie Hargrove Day
The Betrayal of Natalie Hargrove comes out today! Which means it is a day for revelry, decadence and…well, please don’t kill anyone. Just go out and get the book. And check out this great review on I Heart Monster’s blog. Thanks, I heart Monster!
New Trailer for Fallen!
Details from the tour
The last week of October, I went on a six city pre-publicity tour to promote Fallen. Having finally caught up on some sleep and taken a little time to process all of the amazing things that happened, I’ve decided I feel about book tours the same way I feel about roller coasters:
They are wild. They are intense. There are moments when you think your stomach will drop out of your body—but as soon as the tour is over, you want to go again. And you wish you’d made a different face when that automatic camera snapped your picture after the first big drop. The point is: I loved it. I want a season pass.
The first stop on the tour was New York, my former home, which I miss. When I checked into the hotel, the receptionist looked down at her notes, then up at me and said, “Fallen. Is that that movie with Denzel?” Not yet, I told her.
I got to sign books at this very cool event called Teen Vogue Fashion University. It was swank-city. I think I got a full year’s worth of fashion inspiration from the teen girls ambling up and down the halls. Click for more details and pics after the jump…